There is a greater story our Heavenly Father has been writing and unfolding before time began.  There are many books in Heaven, as the scriptures tell us, and this site tells the stories and shares chapters from some of these books.

This blog is about Just One Story, my story and the stories of others, in the greater story that our Father in Heaven writes: His-Story.  I truly believe, and it has been shown to me through many experiences that our God cares about every part of our life – regardless if we consider it a big or little thing, He cares about it!  From finding great deals at the grocery store, to learning more about His character, He cares about it!  So, this blog isn’t just about ultra “spiritual” things, but also the big and little things of daily life that we maybe don’t think about His involvement on a daily basis.

I pray you find through what is shared here that He wants to be involved in every small and large bit of your life too, to divinely inspire every aspect, not to get nosy and bossy, but to bless you beyond measure in all that you do, and to bring you joy, peace and strength every day, all day.  We have experienced so many crazy miracles, and such joy and peace through allowing Him to lead, and I know He wants to do the same and more for you as well!  He’s there, waiting for you, and wants you to see Him in everything, every little detail.  They say the devil is in the details, but really we all need to see that it’s our Father in the details, longing to show you that He loves and cares about you so very much that He cares for these things too.  He longs to love you through His ways which are not ours, and His understanding which is bigger than ours.  In things like my mom’s weird brain deal, to my son’s broken arm and the little girl he helped in the hospital, if we will have eyes to see and ears to hear, and ask Him to open our spiritual eyes and ears, we will see things that the world looks at as horribly bad, as it could be small blessings He is giving us.  He promises to use everything good and bad, for the good of those who love Him.  So when you love Him, you too will see all things for the good in your life and others’.

Big Daddy Weave’s My Story song that captures what is shared on this blog so well…

In these entries you will find stories birthed out of pain, heartache, stress, joy, happiness, stories still in progress, as well as every day hints and tips, life hacks, and all kinds of fun and (hopefully) useful info.  I do support the creation of this blog through affiliate programs, but note that what I share are things I really believe in, and not things that I’m looking to just make a buck off of.  These are things I’ve used and have found to be useful enough that I’d like to share them with you.  Below you will find a list of affiliate programs that you will find on this site.  Note that not every link on this site will take you to an affiliate sponsored page, some things I find useful and helpful and just want to share these things with you too!

So, what about me personally?  Who am I?  Good question for an about me page, and one you will find answered in the pages and posts of this site.  I am not my circumstances, so I won’t list those here.  I am a beloved daughter of the Most High King, the Creator of the universe, the Lover of my soul.  I am one who loves the Lord, longs to be continually led by the Holy Spirit, and seeks to become closer to our God, three in one, every day.  I am hopefully your sister in Jesus Christ, or will be soon.  You’ll get to know me more and my character through this site, kinda like how we learn more about our Father through the great story that He writes.  I pray you are blessed here, and know if you’ve come across this site you’re being prayed for.

*Affiliate programs:


  1. Amazon: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.